Δεν ειναι τιποτα καινουριο,αλλα μετα απο το σαρωτικο περασμα τους απο τα μερη μας ,αποκτα ιδιαιτερη σημασια: To celebrate the upcoming release of the new album “End Titles… Stories for Film” on 7th July, UNKLE will be giving fans the opportunity to download 4 separate album tracks, via 4 different websites absolutely free. Although fans will have to collect the tracks individually, when a ll four (tracks 5, 6, 7 and 8 on the album) are played consecutively, in order, they play as one extended, mixed piece of music that comprises the middle section of the record. The four tracks will be made available as follows: Track 5 - Kaned And Abel via UNKLE.com on Fri, June 27th Track 8 - Chemical (feat. Josh Homme) via Pitchfork on Mon, June 30th Track 6 - Blade In The Back (ft Gavin Clark) via Rcrdlbl.com on Wed, July 2nd Track 7 - Synthetic Water via UNKLE77.com on Fri, July 4th Οσοι ειχαμε την ευκαιρια να τους απολαυσουμε στη στρουγκα της Ξιφασκιας ,σιγουρα περιμενουμε πως και πως ...