Μεταφέρω αυτούσιο, το δελτίο τύπου που μου ήρθε από την Hyperdub, για το καινούριο e.p. της Fatima Al Qadiri με τον τίτλο '' Shaneera '': « S haneera is the English mispronunciation of the Arabic word, shanee’a (شنيعة), literally meaning "outrageous, nefarious, hideous, major and foul." In one iteration of the word, as queer slang used in Kuwait and some Arab countries - a positive and desirable light is shed on these attributes. Shaneera refers to a gender-defying persona (or temporary state or action), of being an evil queen. You know a Shaneera when you behold one. Over five energetic club tracks, Al Qadiri explores this dark-sided character with friends Bobo Secret, Lama3an, Chaltham and Naygow in their debut recorded appearance. Chaltham is Khalid al Gharaballi – long-time collaborator of Al Qadiri's together as a duo and also as members of GCC. Their collaborative work explored Kuwaiti gender performativity, their installation M...