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Προβολή αναρτήσεων από Οκτωβρίου 3, 2018

Princess Chelsea: Ανόθευτη ποπ στην εποχή της χολέρας...

“ Maybe 20 million people think I'm a hipster with a pink wing!” “Princess Chelsea isn't like a girly character, it's almost like a cooler and more confident version of myself . I'm like a nerd. I didn't ever really think I'd be fronting a band and performing so I just have to switch into a slightly more confident character.'' ''I feel like synthesisers are used by bands in a pretty boring way, just fleshing out the sound of an indie rock band.'' “A lot of people assume I smoke a lot of weed and stuff, like they assume Connan Mockasin does drugs because of the psychedelic stuff . . . but neither of us do. I don't suit doing drugs.'' “I'd like to take the band to Disneyland on the way back home. I've been . . . but I've got some grown men playing in my band who've never been. It's pretty silly, but I want to do it for them.” Chelsea Nikkel ( α...