Επεστρεψαν επιτελους! Υστερα απο φημες για διαλυση ,αναδιοργανωθηκαν και ειναι πλεον επτα ,ζωη να'χουνε.
Το '' Missiles'',οπως και τα προηγουμενα,περιεχει ομορφα ποπ τραγουδια ,καταπληκτικα ενορχηστρωμενα,με γλυκες,νοσταλγικες μελωδιες, παντα με επικεντρο τον Murray Lightburn ,που καθηλωνει με την απαλη,ζεστη ερμηνεια του,για αλλη μια φορα. Ειδικα στο εντεκαλεπτο επος που κλεινει το δισκο , το ''Saviour'', το σχημα φτανει στο απογειο του,δημιουργωντας το πιο κατανυκτικο τραγουδι τους,με πολλες σοουλ επιρροες ,ενω η χορωδια το απογειωνει εντελως.
''We want to bring you this record whole and still warm. It's beautiful; that is the only way to describe it. A blues album, essentially. It's also long and kind of paced for love making, because that really makes everything better. 58 minutes, 16 seconds, 10 songs. One song is over 11 minutes, just like the old days. Come October, we encourage you to seek it out; it is worth every penny and all the dough just goes back into making more records, not buying solid gold houses. Thanks, in advance. We had quite an experience making it and by the end, only Natalia and I were left. The band line up as you've known has come to a close and now it's just as it was when we began: Natalia and I, looking after every aspect ourselves. Trust us when we say it is for the best. The music, philosophy -- the art has been preserved with fervency. The Dears not are but is. In our mind it always has been that way, the sum of parts to create one vision. Or something like that. Personally, we feel fortunate to have a role in the birthing of every tune, in its arrival from the cosmos.''
(δελτιο τυπου)
Γυρω στο Οκτωβρη λοιπον,αναζητηστε τον,αλλα πρωτα προακροαστειτε τον.